Friday, April 1, 2011

How did this happen?

A blog post! And no - it's not an April Fools Joke!!

How did this happen? I swore I wouldn't start a blog and then ignore it... and it happened - I let it happened. I could give this big long list of why's - but I won't. I will though let the world know that our beloved Sheltie, Acacia, left the earthly life and we miss her terribly. She was such a fantastic dog - and such a huge part of the family. Acacia had a fantastic personality and was one of those dogs that could sense a persons mood and then react in whatever way was needed. I will always remember the Thanksgiving that my dad was still so very depressed over the loss of my mother, his wife of over 50 years. As my dad sat on the couch with tears in his eyes, Acacia walked over, put her head on his knee and just looked up at him with this look that said, "it's ok, you can pet me - I'm here for you" and my dad reached out, put his hand on her head and she took that as a signal to jump up next to him and be his friend for the day. My dad was really amazed at how she wouldn't leave his side the entire day.... she was that kind of dog. If you're an animal lover and have had pets you know what we are going through... it'll get better...

What do I do??
On an exciting note - exciting for me anyhow... I sent in my scholarship form to hopefully win a scholarship for 12 sessions with Life Coach, Michelle Ward C.P.C. - If you've never been to her blog, When I Grow Up you should check it out! It's a great blog for anyone who has even the slightest creative bone or has ever thought of starting a business that has anything remotely creative about it.  Even if you're not thinking of using a life coach check it out! She always has great posts that really make you think about what you are doing and why. And if you love quotes like I do - so does she! Michelle always has great quotes and you could print them out and put them up somewhere to remind you of it...

I've been wanting to use the services of a life coach for quite awhile now - and had thought about using Michelle when I first got laid off -but the money situation has been sooooo tight I just couldn't. Along comes this fantastic opportunity where she is giving away 12 private sessions with her!! I really believe that the Lord puts these things in front of us - makes them available and it's up to us to grab them and go!! So what do I have to lose? Sure she could pick someone else - but she could pick me!! Oh - I hope she does!! I get so many ideas popping around in my brain and I swear I'm always thinking of businesses to start or things to make.... but I just end up talking myself out of them... and it makes me shake my head at how I could do that to myself!! I know what I'm capable of darnnit! I know what I've accomplished... I can pretty much do anything I want to do - I'm always able to figure out a way to make things work... fantastic problem solver... but I guess I need someone to just stand beside me and kick me in the butt and tell me that yes, my ideas are not so crazy after all. Of course, my one and only is my biggest cheerleader but I think in my head - of course he says that - he loves me! lol....  So say a prayer, cross your fingers or just put a good thought out into the world that I will get chosen - I need all the help I can get!!

Quote for the day:
“There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.” Douglas H. Everett


  1. Glad You're back...I was beginning to worry.

  2. Good luck winning the scholarship! You have a great attitude and a positive outlook, I'm not sure what life has dealt you, but the little time I've spent in your blog you seem like someone that handles problems head on. You can do anything you set your mind to, Life Coach or not.
